Top Mindset Life coach and resilience expert Meridith Alexander launches the HOW TO CHOOSE TO LIVE PODCAST. Whether you’re not quite where you thought you’d be right now or you’re exactly where you thought you’d be but don’t feel what you thought you’d be feeling or whether you are loving life and ready to love it even more, this is the podcast for you.
Top Mindset Life Coach An Expert on How to Choose To Live

Welcome to the

with Meridith Alexander

What would it take to unleash an EPIC new chapter in your life?
In your career?

Are there questions that every single one of us should be asking if we want to look back and know that we have truly lived?

Are there strategies that can help us lead lives that resonate with our deepest values and loftiest dreams?

Welcome to the

PODCAST with Meridith Alexander

What would it take to unleash an EPIC new chapter in your life?
In your career?

Are there questions that every single one of us should be asking if we want to look back and know that we have truly lived?

Are there strategies that can help us lead lives that resonate with our deepest values and loftiest dreams?

Welcome To Your Breakthrough

I’m Meridith Alexander, a Forbes Coaches Council Breakthrough Performance coach, motivational speaker and Founder of the EPIC YOU Evolution movement.

This is the podcast where we strive to not only answer but embrace the opportunities that come from daring to ask ONE BOLD QUESTION. It’s the question that we believe is at the root of all success, all EPIC-NESS. That question?

Meridith breaking through the boulders in life.


In 2016, a boulder crashed down the side of a mountain in Colombia, South America and horrifically landed on my daughter. Miraculously, she survived and far from teaching us how to face death, this boulder came with some powerful lessons on how we can choose to live.

We all face different boulders in our lives. Some big. Some small. We often allow these boulders to block us from becoming who we are meant to be.

I believe that we shouldn’t have to face a literal boulder in order to embrace who we are AND to learn how to truly LIVE.

In this podcast, I and an array of truly EPIC guests will explore what these boulders in our lives can teach us. Can these experiences hold the secret to those big answers that so many of us seek? Can they reveal our life purpose, our deepest passion? The blindspot opportunities that we might be missing?

“What if the Epic-ness that you seek exists not in spite of the boulders, but thanks to the bolder version of YOU that these boulders inspire you to become?” … Meridith Alexander



“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” Howard Thurman

Whether you’re not quite where you thought you’d be right now or you’re exactly where you thought you’d be but don’t feel what you thought you’d be feeling or whether you are loving life and ready to love it even more, this is the podcast for you.




Often when we least expect it, life thrusts us into the role of the reluctant Shero or Hero in our own story. How we respond in those moments can be the difference between thriving or just surviving. Success or stagnation.

We believe that our life story will be determined by how we dare to answer one burning question: how to choose to live. Join us as we explore the mindset shifts, innovative strategies and captivating stories from my own life experience and those of my truly EPIC GUESTS. We’ll be sharing insights that will help you obliterate those “impossibles” and transform your own big dreams into true Destiny! And come deliciously alive in all aspects of your life in the process!

Check out our episodes below listed from newest to oldest…

Guesting On Podcasts

Sharing My Story With Friends

Think you have a story that is too powerful not to share?

Know someone else’s story that makes your heart sing?

If you or someone you admire would make a great guest on our podcast, please use the contact form here to send us some of the juicy details.

Together, let’s co-create a show that helps you shape your life into something that makes come fully and deliciously ALIVE!



Meridith Alexander





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